Steroids vs Hormones: What's the Best for Bodybuilders?

Steroid or hgh hormone choice

Steroids vs Hormones: What's the Best for Bodybuilders?

We often tend to oppose steroids to the growth hormones without really being able to distinguish them and even see without knowing their concrete respective beneficial effects. You should also know that steroids and growth hormones are totally different. So we will analyze the differences that exist between these two.

During childhood, humans produce the highest amount of IGH-1 (growth hormones). Over time, usually at the end of puberty, the body produces less and less and its system makes less and less muscle cells. These cells, of genetic origin, cannot be renewed, but humans can modify their size; moreover, it is possible to develop new ones thanks to steroids and growth hormones.


Steroids, better known as anabolic steroids, are recognized by athletes as being factors that improve physical performance. Steroids promote endurance and increase physical energy.

Anabolic steroids are classified among natural hormones and synthetic steroids. These hormones promote cell growth and division through the growth of various types of tissues, including muscles and bones. The most well-known steroid of natural anabolics is testosterone followed by natural androgens. In medical texts, by their various combinations of androgenic and anabolic properties, steroids appear under the acronym AAS (Anabolic steroids / Androgens).

The virtues are numerous; the most sought after by amateur athletes is its effectiveness in burning fat through rapid action to build strength and muscle mass.

1) Main positive effects produced by taking steroidsSteroids vs hormones - top steroids online

  • Increase in muscle size and strength
  • Faster muscle gain
  • They increase muscle protein synthesis
  • Appetite
  • Increased production of bone marrow and red blood cells
  • Increased libido
  • Allows to reduce the percentage of fat


2) Harmful side effects from taking steroids

In humans:

  • Considerable decrease in sperm (up to 90% in the case of intensive intake)
  • Powerlessness
  • Infertility
  • Breast enlargement (gynecomastia)
  • Testicular and prostate cancer

In women:

  • Deepening of the voice
  • Breast size reduction
  • Facial hair
  • Cycle disorders

To guard against the harmful side effects, there are a multitude of very effective anti-estrogens allowing to follow a cure of steroids in all serenity and without the slightest concern. Among this list of the most recognized anti-estrogens are Proviron, Nolvadex and Clomid.

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Growth hormone is a natural protein that promotes cell division. It helps control the release and levels of other hormones and enzymes in the blood. Thanks to a double anabolic effect that comes from an increase in protein synthesis, the hormone will generate an enlargement of muscle cells but goes beyond just increasing the number of these same muscle cells. Growth hormone is referred to by health professionals as Omatotrophin or Somatropin. In Anglo-Saxon countries, health professionals use the acronym GH (Growth Hormone) in particular.

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1) Main positive effects produced by taking growth hormone

Top-Steroids-OnlineThegrowth hormone generates slower muscle gain than steroids but the beneficial effects are numerous. First of all, it increases endurance, performance and acts on the development of lean muscle mass. The better the setting in the hormone supply, the more the size of the muscles will increase steadily. The hormone also acts on the recovery time and eliminates any state of fatigue or pain.

Positive effects:

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Fat reduction
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity
  • Reduction of wrinkles and restructuring of facial muscles
  • Improved regrowth of hair and nails
  • Increased libido and sexual satisfaction
  • Produces deep and relaxing sleep
  • Increased energy level and well-being
  • Improvement of the immune system
  • Increase in bone mass
  • Protection of tissues and organs against catabolism


The 2 biggest factors promoting the release of growth hormones are exercise and sleep.

It should also be noted that taking thehormone growth promotes the secretion of elastin and collagen, two proteins that form the basis of muscle structure. Despite many benefits, it should be remembered that an excessive and poorly regulated intake of hormones can cause harmful effects.

2) Harmful side effects from taking growth hormone

The weekly dose to be injected is a minimum of 5 IU and can go up to 16 IU (this depends on the level and current weight of the user)

Taking growth hormones creates harmful side effects when you do not respect the doses:

  • Acromegaly: excessive growth of the extremities (feet, hands, elbows, jaw)Top Steroids Online
  • Growth of internal organs (liver among others, lengthening of the belly, even if the bodybuilder is very dry)
  • Joint problems
  • Diabetic sugar
  • Cardiovascular disorders and hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Underactive thyroid gland

For the proper functioning of the body and in order to reduce the harmful effects due to a large intake of growth hormone, the main thing is to respect the optimal recommended daily dose. The better the setting in the intake, the more the effect will be beneficial in terms of your physical performance as well as its immune effect.

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We hope that this small article will help you to choose between steroids and growth hormones thanks to a greater knowledge of their respective effects and thus to obtain the much hoped for results. Good practice to you!

The Top Steroids Online Team.

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Comments (12)

  • ابراهيم

    هل اخذ الهرمونات لمره واحده يكفي
    او اذا اخذتها مره واحده هل يجب علي الاستمرار عليها؟

    3 April 2018 at 12:03 PM
    • Top-Steroids Online


      وسوف يعتمد على النتائج المتوقعة. إذا كنت تريد بعض التغييرات في الجسم دورة واحدة قد تكون كافية. ولكن إذا كان هدفك هو الحصول على جسم غير عادي ، فمن المؤكد أن دورة واحدة لن تكون كافية.

      6 April 2018 at 9:11 AM
  • n5wj

    هل يمكن اخذ هرمون النمو في سن ال 15 عام؟
    و ماهو أفضل هرمون نمو؟

    26 March 2018 at 8:47 PM
    • Benjamin

      Hello !
      15 years old is way too young to take prohormones

      27 March 2018 at 1:16 AM
  • Nurul anwar zainol abidin

    Hgh first or steroid first sir?

    11 March 2018 at 7:36 AM
    • Benjamin


      You can take what you want (Steroid or Growth Hormone) according to your goals and your budget.


      12 March 2018 at 9:48 AM
  • Amr

    شكرا عالمقال المختصر والمفيد .. انصح الاصدقاء بالاعتماد عالى التغذيةوالمكملات الغذائية كالبروتين والاحماض الامينية ااخ والابتعاد عن الستيروئيدات لكثرة اثارها الجانبية .. استخدام الهرمونات للاشخاص الذين يدخلون البطولات وليس يجب ان تستخدموها. على الاقل مع متابعة الطبيب .. تحياتي

    6 February 2018 at 8:15 AM
  • Perfetti

    Si inizia semper con steroidi anabolizzanti, perché costano meno, perché si trovano più easily e poi chi fa più sul serio con il body building che vuole guadagni più Seri e duraturi, prenderà anche il GH.
    Sicuramente I steroidi hanno molti più effetti collaterali a breve fini, e per quanto si possano controllare, certi effetti dannosi sul feed back non si riuscirà mai a ripristinare del tutto, i suoi benefici sono superiori solo a breve fini è sono molto limitati, poi anche li è molto soggettivo. I vantaggi con il GH sono molto superiori nel tempo, con grandi vantaggi sulla qualità muscolare e su tutto il fisico e il rendimento. Durano nel tempo e se presi in maniera limitata, hanno meno effetti collaterali, ma se presi con imprudenza sono ancora peggio degli steroidi. Poi c'è da puntualizzare una cosa, chi userà il GH farà uso in concomitanza anche di steroidi, perché presi tutti insieme a bass dose if avrà a siinergismo with more positive effect and ancora meno effectti collaterali.

    6 March 2017 at 8:44 AM
  • Junior

    It's clear that steroids are superior to hormones when it comes to putting on lots of muscle. However, hormones are more popular and generally have a better reputation whether in the bodybuilding community or the anti-aging circle.
    The general impression is going to be, steroids are going to make you gain a lot of muscle, but the prices to pay are; acne, water retention, change in temperament, prostate enlargement and probably gynecomastia. It's a fact, hormones aren't as anabolic as steroids, people will think that hormones will give you lean muscle without the side effects. Hormones also have the reputation of being a fountain among antiging enthusiasts, in this environment where steroids are often considered dangerous.
    So there is a lack of knowledge of the two products, even though they are not entirely comparable.

    21 November 2016 at 4:27 PM
  • Valley

    Both are great if you take a lot of precautions, on the other hand HGH is more expensive… ..

    5 September 2016 at 5:20 PM
  • Mijah

    Both have their pros and cons. Economically steroids are definitely more advantageous. But growth hormones make it possible to have firmer, leaner and longer-lasting muscles. However, gains come faster with steroids. It takes months if not years for HGH to come up to the level of gains seen with steroids for a few months.

    14 August 2016 at 11:04 AM
  • Smithd30

    I truly appreciate this article. Fan-tas-tic. dfcedggefkabgbdd

    5 September 2014 at 7:50 PM

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