What is Clomid?

This drug is beneficial when you include it in a post-cycle therapy protocol after a steroid cycle. While performing an anabolic steroid cycle, the testosterone level will be suppressed to a very low or even non-existent level because many steroids signal the body to cease testosterone production when synthetic testosterone is used.
Clomid is a popular anti-estrogen drug classified as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). It is prescribed fertility medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and known as Clomiphene Citrate.
It acts on the pituitary glands to stimulate the release of specific hormones like luteinizing hormone(LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are essential to improve fertility in men and women.

1) How to use Clomid?

Clomid is often used to treat infertility in women and is also prescribed to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This drug helps women to induce ovulation who can’t be pregnant. It is also helpful during in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI).
It is also off-label prescribed medication to treat secondary hypogonadism conditions in males. Clomid for bodybuilding is used to perform PCT protocol after every anabolic steroid cycle.

2) Dosage & Benefits of Clomid

The recommended dosage range of Clomid is between 25 mg to 50 mg per day. However, 50 mg daily is needed to recover testosterone production in the body. This dosage should be taken for three to four weeks with the popular SERM drug (Nolvadex).

β†’ Clomid Benefits:

  • Restores testosterone level
  • Mitigate estrogenic side effects of anabolic steroids
  • Boost testosterone level
  • Reduces estrogen level
  • Maintains muscle gain
  • Increases sperm production
  • Effective anti-estrogen drug
  • Effective medicine for fertility
  • Well tolerated drug
  • Oral medication, which makes it less invasive

3) Clomid For Recovery (PCT)

Most anabolic steroids cause unwanted side effects, which is called testosterone suppression. At the end of the anabolic steroid cycle, the user's testosterone level gets suppressed, and the estrogen level rises. This resulted in numerous low testosterone symptoms such as fatigue, loss of energy and muscles, acne, mood swings, etc.
A popular SERM drug such as Clomid can mitigate these negative side effects of steroids by regulating testosterone production and estrogen level. It promotes follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which help increase testosterone levels in the body. It can also maintain the hard-earned muscle gains you have gained from the steroid cycles.
Clomid is not used to counteract the estrogenic effects that cause gynecomastia or fluid retention during PCT. Still, it is often used as an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle, which prevents gynecomastia. That’s why Clomid is highly preferable to perform PCT protocol after the steroid cycle.
At top-steroids-online.is we help you develop your performance safely. We therefore offer you a wide choice of Clomid, from the most prestigious laboratories.
Available in the form of tablets or capsules, Clomid will be your best ally after your course of anabolic steroids. Indeed, during your anabolic steroid treatment, your body will stop its natural production of testosterone, in order to regulate the excess testosterone it receives during the treatment. At the end of the course of anabolic steroids, the body will therefore find itself without testosterone. It will therefore be imperative to carry out a recovery cure (PCT) to kick-start the natural testosterone production mechanism.
One of the best cures for PCT is to take Clomid in combination with Nolvadex for 21 days. Clomid will act directly on the endogenous testosterone production mechanism, namely the pituitary gland, the pituitary gland and the testes. Nolvadex, on the other hand, will have a very powerful anti-estrogenic action.
By combining Clomid and Nolvadex for your recovery cure, top-steroids-online guarantees you the conservation of your gains acquired during your cure as well as the recovery at 100% of your natural testosterone production.
More information in our article Protections against the side effects of oral and injectable steroids
And to better support you in the success of your cycle, do not hesitate to ask for free advice from our team of experts, with our form. All of our products are genuine, check for yourself.

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