Like a pro, achieve real lean mass gain

Like a pro, achieve real lean mass gain

Do you dream of concrete abs? Strong arms? Firm and plump buttocks? With a cropped back and tapered legs?

Dream no more! With, achieve a real dry mass gain, in a professional way. So ready? Follow the leader…

Do not confuse lean mass gain with mass gain:

In order to develop your muscular and lean figure, you must start by distinguishing between lean mass gain and mass gain.

If the two terms are quite close, the practice and especially the results differ.

Effectively, mass gain will consist of rapidly gaining mass, therefore weight. During this period, it is then recommended to eat more and more frequently. You will therefore gain volume. But this volume will correspond to both muscle mass gain and fat gain. At the end of a weight gain, I then follow a period of cutting in order to eliminate superfluous fat and make the muscles apparent.

Dry mass gain will consist of only gaining muscle and not fat.. This phase may seem delicate and moreover it was for a long time reserved for professionals. But today, reveals the secrets of successful lean mass gain.

Training yes, but accompanied by an ultra targeted diet:

It is of course obvious that training corresponds to one of the pillars of the development of your muscles. But the difference between volume and muscle gain only will be in the diet.

While it is strongly advised to take healthy and seasonal foods for any purpose, lean mass gain will require careful distribution of nutrients.  

Indeed, if it is recommended during a mass gain to eat a lot more and every three hours, a lean mass gain will require an additional intake of 200 calories per day.

But beware, the success of your lean mass gain will lie in the distribution of protein, lipids and carbohydrates during the treatment.

Your goal will be to provide fuel for building muscle while minimizing the development of fat mass.

It could not be easier. Know that :

  • 1 gram of protein will provide you with 4 calories
  • 1 gram of fat will bring you 9 calories
  • 1 gram of carbohydrate, will bring you 4 calories

From this information, you will therefore be able to modulate your diet in order to build your muscular mass.   

To find out how to distribute nutrients in your diet, you must start by calculating your daily caloric needs. For that, here is the formula of Harris and Benedict:

For a man: (137,516 x Weight [kg]) + (500.33x Height [m]) - (6.7550 x Age) + 66,473

For a woman: (95 634 X Weight [kg]) + (184.96 x Height [m]) - (4.6756 x Age) + 6 550 955

Then multiply your result by:

  • 1.37 if you are sedentary or only exercise once or twice a week
  • 1.55 if you are athletic or train 3 to 4 times a week
  • 1.80 if you are a great athlete or train more than 5 times a week

This gives you the number of calories you need each day to maintain your weight.

So, if you are getting 2500 calories per day, you need to add 200 calories in order to build your muscles. You will therefore need to take in 2700 calories per day.


Armed with this information, now distribute the nutrients for your daily diet.

For a lean mass gain, we recommend that you take:

  • 2 grams of protein per kilogram. So if you are 80 kilos in weight, you will need to take 80 x 2 = 160 grams of protein per day.
  • 1 gram of fat per kilogram. So 80 x1 = 80 grams of fat

In terms of proteins, you will therefore have an intake of 160 x 4 = 640 calories per day.

In terms of lipids, you will have an intake of 80 x 9 = 720 calories per day.

You can now calculate the amount of carbohydrates to take per day, in order to limit your fat mass.

To do this, calculate the number of calories you have left to take:

  • 2700 - (640 + 720) = 1340 daily carbohydrate calories
  • 1340/4 = 340 grams of carbohydrate

Here is your breakdown for a weight of 80 kilos and 2700 calories per day:

  • 160 grams of protein
  • 80 grams of fat
  • 340 grams of carbohydrates

All you have to do is follow this path to find your distribution according to your weight, height, age and level of training.

Finally, if you want to be more sharp, you can play on the carbohydrate intake by reducing them slightly.

Remember to drink enough to properly eliminate toxins.

The little extras of

Supporting you in the success of your goals, has concocted complete “lean mass gain” packs for you. They will allow you to get a real boost in achieving your dream body and thus differentiate yourself from your colleagues at the gym.

These packs consist of either steroids or peptides, according to your preferences and your age. Indeed, from the age of 50, peptide packs are recommended in order to preserve your HPTA axis.

About our lean mass gain packs steroids, you will find :

  • The pack Dianabol + Clenbuterol for an oral cure. This complete pack with protections is ideal for a lean mass gain and obtain an exceptional muscle definition exceptional. Clenbuterol for quality and definition and Dianabol for good muscle building.
  • The pack Primobolan + Sustanon for an injectable cure.  The Primobolan will bring you the quality and the definition and the Sustanon a good muscle building.

And do not hesitate to discover our other cures for dry mass gain on the link.

Thanks to your targeted diet and the treatment of your choice of sports supplements, you are now ready to start a lean mass gain worthy of real professionals. And we are always available to answer any of your questions via our form.

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  • George

    You do things well in the details. It was by reading this post that I was able to find my first pack for lean mass gain: diana + clen. This blog also made me know the calories and supplements to take per day.

    25 July 2018 at 10:05 PM

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