Yes for a course of steroids. No for the side effects!

Yes for a course of steroids. No for the side effects!

Do you want to push the limits of your body? You are about to start a cure steroids anabolic drugs, but you are still a little skeptical, because of the possible side effects?

Know that most of the time, the harmful repercussions of steroids on the body are the consequences of blind and unreasonable use of these anabolic products.

Indeed, steroids can carry certain risks. Finally, they can trigger certain side effects, more or less bothersome for the user. However, these side effects are by no means systematic and above all, can be avoided if we know them from the start. Β 

So let's see together, how to counter these famous Side effects.

What are the risks of anabolic steroids for the body?

Β Carrying out a course of anabolic steroids will lead to an increase in testosterone in your body. This increase will then have repercussions on the functioning of your body.

Side positive effects, anabolic steroids will allow rapid muscle mass gain, a power gain and a reduction in fat mass. Its main advantage is to act very quickly and therefore to obtain visible results in just a few weeks. Β 

However, this rapid action will also upset the functioning of the body and therefore cause disturbances if the user has not taken measures of protection.

The increase in testosterone in the body is therefore likely to cause the following effects:

The development of virilizing propertiesΒ :

Anabolic steroids are rarely recommended for women because of their virilizing properties. Indeed, being androgenic, anabolic steroids will then promote male characteristics such as:

  • Increased body hair, and especially the lower back, on the upper lip and on the arms.
  • Increase in vocal cords
  • Voice getting deeper
  • Growth of the clitoris or penis

Changes in metabolismΒ :

During the treatment, the body will operate at 200%. This over-diet can then, in the most sensitive people, lead to the following signals:

  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Changes in cholesterol levels with an increase in LDL cholesterol (bad for the body) and a decrease in HDL cholesterol.
  • Heart problem and increased risk of cardiovascular diseaseΒ : palpitations, tachycardia, thickening and enlargement of the left ventricle

Liver problemsΒ :

The anabolic steroidsOral s will be metabolized in the liver. If the user does not take any protection during the treatment, the liver can then experience damage problems, which can lead to cancer.


Risk of converting testosterone to estrogen:

Undertaking a course of steroids will lead to an increase in testosterone in the body. Synthetic testosterone will join natural testosterone. The body then finds itself in excess of testosterone. In order to better manage this increase in testosterone, the body will then block the production of natural testosterone on the one hand. And secondly, the body will encourage the production of DHT. At this time, there is a risk that the body will convert testosterone into estrogen. This process corresponds to the aromatization occurring from the aromatase enzyme. If aromatization occurs, the body will develop feminine peculiarities such as the appearance of breast, testicular atrophy, decrease in sperm production, decrease in sexual desire.

A steroid treatment can also cause some inconvenience such as water retention, the appearance of acne, oily skin or even hair loss.

Follow a course of anabolic steroids avoiding side effectsΒ :

If you decide to take a course of steroids to define your muscles, build strength and lose fat, the first precaution to take is to systematically avoid products sold on the black market. Indeed, in the black market, you will meet unscrupulous sellers, seeking financial profit above all and to the detriment of your health. They will most often sell you fraudulent products, containing other chemicals, which can have serious consequences on your health. In addition, these products are not subject to any control. Β 

Then, a steroid treatment will require three types of protection, in order to counter the possible side effects.

Liver protectionΒ :

If you follow a course of oral steroids, you will therefore accompany your course of liver protection which will prevent the damage caused by anabolics. The best protection today is the Samarin, to take 1 tablet, three times a day. Samarin will protect your liver and stimulate the renewal of healthy liver cells.


Anti-estrogen protectionΒ :

In order to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, you will need to take an anti-estrogen. Β Arimidex provide excellent protection in this area. You will then take 1 tablet every two days, throughout the treatment. You will thus avoid the harmful effects of the feminization of testosterone.

Stimulus Cure (PCT)Β :

During the treatment, the production of natural testosterone is stopped. It will therefore have to be restarted at the end of the treatment by restimulating the HPTA axis. Best treatments for MDT: Combine Clomid and Nolvadex. For 21 days, you will therefore take 1 tablet of Clomid and 1 tablet of Nolvadex.


To counteract other possible side effects, here are some tips:

  • To limit oily skin, wash with antibacterial soap
  • To make acne go awayΒ : take an anti-acne lotion
  • Remedy testicular atrophy: take 5,000 IU of HCG per week for 15 days, then 250 IU twice a week.
  • Reduce water retentionΒ : take magnesium and vitamin B6
  • Lower blood pressureΒ : hypertension often appears at the beginning of the treatment, then subsides. You can still reduce stomach blood pressure with a treatment provided for this purpose.
  • Limit hair lossΒ : associate HGH with your cure

Furthermore, remember to drink lots of water in order to wash the kidneys and facilitate elimination.

By accompanying your course of steroids, various protections, you will be able to fully benefit from the positive effects of steroids without having to suffer side effects. Now over to you, a muscular, fat-free and energy-boosted silhouette!

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Comments (4)

  • Cedriq

    A kind of article that could reassure more than one. I am one of those who believe that you can take anabolics safely without jeopardizing your health.

    15 October 2017 at 6:25 PM
  • Focard

    I set myself a rule before starting a cure, that of spending several weeks documenting myself on the effects, the dosage of the products. I do everything to take the maximum precaution,
    In 10 years of using products, I have seen nothing but benefits.

    8 September 2017 at 4:43 PM
  • Lalane

    If you know how to do it and do it conscientiously, side effects are avoidable!

    7 September 2017 at 7:26 PM
  • Ratchet

    What scared me with it was not having children. But it's simple, just make a good raise. I have been taking anabos for 10 years and my eldest at 6 and the last 3 years.

    6 September 2017 at 5:24 PM

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