Bulking cycle for beginners: How to gain weight fast?

Bulking cycle for beginners: How to gain weight fast?

If you have made the decision to take anabolic androgenic steroids, you must follow the smartest and most correct route to administering them. This will help you minimize steroid side effects and achieve maximum results. Building muscle mass is not an easy thing; it requires dedication and consistency at 100%. To achieve your bodybuilding goals, you need to choose the right path and the right supplements.

There are several ways available on the internet that help you gain muscle mass fast. Miscellaneous studies have proven that anabolic steroids are the best supplement that helps users to improve their skeletal muscle mass quickly. In this article, we are going to talk about the best cycle for bodybuilding that allows you to build muscle mass quickly with minimal side effects.


I. What is a steroid cycle?

The anabolic steroids are a synthetic variation of the male sex hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is the main sex hormone responsible for the growth and development of the male body. The steroid cycle method is one of the most effective ways for users to achieve maximum results with fewer side effects.

The ideal anabolic steroid cycle is eight to twelve weeks. However, it depends on the drug you are using. If using the strongest anabolic steroids like Dianabol, users can cycle Dbol for 4-6 weeks. Remember that long-term and high-dose use of anabolic steroids can lead to various unwanted side effects, so it should always be avoided.

The steroid cycle is the best way to take steroids, starting with a minimum dose and increasing it to the maximum doses. When users cycle the right steroid cycle with the right stack, they get various bodybuilding benefits. Find the best anabolic steroids online.


II. The best steroids for mass gain

For any beginner or novice user, building skeletal and hard muscle mass is difficult. Anabolic steroids are the best options for achieving bodybuilding goals. It is one of the most effective drugs that are three times better than other means or supplements. When users perform the right anabolic steroid cycle, it will promote the weight gain, greater muscle mass, higher strength gain and better overall performance.

Here are the best anabolic steroids that are widely used for mass gain:

Dianabol, Turinabol and Anadrol are oral anabolic steroids that are easily consumed orally. If you are not afraid to use injectable steroids then Deca Durabolin and Testosterone are the best steroids for the weight gain. All of the above anabolic steroids promote skeletal muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention which help build muscle hypertrophy without skeletal muscle hydration.

Also, these anabolic steroids help build lean muscle mass and stimulate the production of red blood cells in the body, which is essential for gaining performance benefits. When you perform the steroid cycle for bodybuilding, you will get the below benefits including:

  • Improved metabolism rate
  • Improving the user's appetite and promoting weight gain without water retention.
  • Reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Promotes higher energy and stamina
  • Reduction of excess body fat
  • Improved collagen production
  • Improved bone density
  • It helps to get a harder, thicker and stronger bone structure.
  • Rapid improvement in skeletal muscle mass
  • Accelerating the rate of recovery from muscle injuries
  • Reduced production of cortisol by the adrenal gland

Important Note : All four anabolic steroids above are potent, so users should avoid them. Turinabol is a mild anabolic steroid, so women can use it, and sometimes advanced female athletes use Deca Durabolin to improve their body composition and overall performance.



III. Sample bulking cycle for beginners

The best way to take anabolic steroids is to start with low doses for beginners or novice users. Low doses are safe for users and do not cause serious side effects. A lower dosage of anabolic steroids is well tolerated by every user which will improve their body composition. Here are the most powerful steroid cycles for the weight gain with mild side effects, but powerful for building significant muscle mass.


β†’ Dianabol solo cycle:

Week Dianabol Samarin 140 Arimidex
week 1 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day
week 2 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day
week 3 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day
week 4 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day
week 5 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day
week 6 20 mg per day 2 tabs 0.5mg every other day

Important Note : Dianabol is an anabolic steroid toxic to the liver, so it is necessary to take liver supplements like Samarin or SamaGen to protect your liver from various damages and diseases.


β†’ Anadrol solo cycle:

Week Anadrol Arimidex
week 1 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day
week 2 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day
week 3 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day
week 4 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day
week 5 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day
week 6 50 mg per day 0.5mg every other day

An example of a mass gain pack – Oral steroid Anadrol (4 weeks) Deus Medical


β†’ Testosterone Solo Cycle:

Week Testosterone Arimidex
week 1 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 2 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 3 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 4 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 5 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 6 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 7 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 8 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 9 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 10 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 11 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day
week 12 250mg to 750mg per week 0.5mg every other day

β†’ Solo cycle of Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone):

Week Deca Durabolin
week 1 200mg to 400mg per week
week 2 200mg to 400mg per week
week 3 200mg to 400mg per week
week 4 200mg to 400mg per week
week 5 200mg to 400mg per week
week 6 200mg to 400mg per week
week 7 200mg to 400mg per week
week 8 200mg to 400mg per week
week 9 200mg to 400mg per week
week 10 200mg to 400mg per week
week 11 200mg to 400mg per week
week 12 200mg to 400mg per week

Important note : In general, the Deca solo cycle is not recommended for users because it can completely shut down the natural production of testosterone in the body. The only people who can benefit from a Nandrolone Decanoate solo cycle are those who use it for its healing properties.

This is because even at low doses it can suppress testosterone (75%). At overall performance-enhancing doses, you can risk a complete shutdown if you use it solo. For this reason, constantly run it with testosterone.


β†’ Turinabol Solo Cycle:

Week Turinabol Dosage For Men Turinabol Dosage For Women
week 1 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 2 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 3 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 4 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 5 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 6 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 7 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day
week 8 30mg to 40mg per day 5mg to 10mg per day

Important Note : Novice users generally do not adopt the stack of protocols because the combination of several steroids often leads to more serious side effects.

Also, all of the above cycles required post cycle therapy. Thus, users should perform a PCT cycle after the above cycles.





Anabolic steroids are one of the best supplements that help users build muscle mass fast, provide higher strength, improve overall performance and reduce body fat. To get maximum results from anabolic steroids, you need to choose the right supplements with the recommended dosage. This will provide impressive results with fewer side effects.

Beginner users can easily consume oral anabolic steroids, and people who are not afraid of needles can also use injectable anabolic steroids. Above we have mentioned the best recommended solo cycle of growth anabolic steroids that will help you build bigger and harder muscle mass in the short term.

If you have any other questions regarding the steroid cycle, you can ask our experts at professional coaching at any time.

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